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Breaking the Sound Barrier


Aligning Heaven and Earth in the Land of Israel

This book is a call. It’s calling, as you visit the land of Israel, to listen for the heavenly sound. Release the resonance of glory that is within you and see the land around you respond. Our prayer is, rip open the heavens once again!

Prophetic Prayerwalking


“Son of Man, what do you see?” We are living in a day when God desires to open our eyes to “see” very clearly the things He wishes to communicate to us as we walk and pray. He often uses natural things to reveal the spiritual. This book gives practical insights as to how to open your spiritual eyes to the things around you as you prayerwalk. You will be surprised what you see!

The Breath

The Journey of the Ruach of God

The beginnings of this book began with a prophetic word that we became acquainted with when we visited the Isle of Lewis in Scotland in 2012. The word was over 80 years old at the time but had the life of the Spirit on it. It was a promise of a move of God so large that it would engulf others that had preceded it. It all started with a breath.

Your Kingdom Come: A Manual for Prophetic Intercessory Prayer


Your kingdom come! The prayer Jesus taught us! Do you want to learn how to pray prayers that will bring the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth? Is there a stirring in your heart to pray “effective, fervent prayers that avail much”? This manual was created to take you deeper into the glorious realm of intercession and covers such subjects as: