Tent of David

House of Worship
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Worship Services

Sundays 10:00 AM & Fridays 7:30 PM

Our Worship Watches are held every Friday night and Sunday morning. We gather to exalt the Lord and glorify His name. Our meetings are rich in the prophetic, with much revelation released as we make His Praise Glorious!

Join us for a time of Wonder in His Presence!

Course Website

Dan & Dale Rosborough

We are so privileged to lead a community of believers whose only mission is to lift Jesus higher and to see His Glory come to the nation’s capital and to Canada. Our greatest reward will be to see each one come into the fullness of their destiny in God and to let the light that is in them touch their community. We press in for a nation-wide revival in Canada. For this, the Tent of David was established.

Our Community

Prophetic Words

Making His Praise Glorious in the Holy Land!