The Story of the Tent of David

Dan and Dale Rosborough had been prayer leaders for many years in the City of Ottawa, the nation’s capital. In 2005 they felt the Lord lead them to begin something out of the normal church mold. There was a longing for a house dedicated to worship and prayer that would focus on the Glory of Jesus coming to our land that would change the very DNA of Canada and bring her into an awakening from coast to coast.

With that in mind, they began house group meetings where people began to gather to worship and hear from God. During this time, the Rosborough’s moved from the city past the eastern edge of the city. It was then that Geoff and Karen Middleton offered their home to continue the meetings. We had a visit from Rosetta Florence, an apostolic leader from Edmonton who prophesied that we needed to set up an Issachar School based on the teachings of Glory of Zion in Texas. These teachings led us into the whole Biblical cycle based on the understanding of the celebration of the feasts of the Lord and the One New Man with Israel.

Our school began to grow until it was taking over the Middleton’s house and we knew we had to find a building. As we prayed, the Lord began to prompt us that if we wanted a Tent of David, we needed to sow into a Tent of David in Israel. That next meeting, we had a visit from Hilda Chen who had come from Jerusalem and was deeply involved in the establishment of the Prayer Tower in Kings of Kings assembly there. We had never taken up an offering in our group and did so that night. We got $1000 from the house group which we took in its entirety and gave as an offering to sow into our House of Prayer. A few days later, a Real Estate broker who had been in the meeting called us and said that he had a property in Rockland, just east of Ottawa, that was about to go on the market and he felt we needed to see it. We went right away and were taken back at this beautiful stone chapel sitting on a lovely street that would be perfect for what we needed. It belonged to a small church group that found that they could not afford the upkeep of the building and needed to sell. They were asking $80,000 which was much more than we had in the bank, considering we gave away our only offering that we had ever taken!

We were so sure that this was the miracle building for us that Dan felt that we should make an offer of $67,000 and trust God. It seemed like a long shot for sure, but we put the offer in. The pastor and the board were meeting the next day and together they decided that they would make a counter offer. The pastor went out to call the Real Estate broker to tell him this, and as he was coming back to the board, he said the clearest he ever heard the Lord speak was then. He heard the Lord say, “You are going to sell this building to those people for $67,000!” When he told this to the board, they replied, “Well pastor, if the Lord told you this, then we will do it”.

We now had a building with no bank account or financial statements to show the bank. But we had God. We sought the Lord for wisdom and He gave us a strategy on how to finance the Tent of David and the rest is history. We began our services in 2006 in that building and we have never looked back. The back Fellowship Hall needed extensive renovations and this was all done and we ended up paying off the building and all the renovations in seven years! We celebrated the burning of the mortgage at the Feast of Tabernacles in 2013. To God be the Glory, great things He has done.