This Coming Glory
Sometimes as intercessors, we can become weighted down with the immensity of the spiritual warfare that we are in. That was the situation I found myself in this week. On…
Our Worship Watches are held every Friday night and Sunday morning. We gather to exalt the Lord and glorify His name. Our meetings are rich in the prophetic, with much revelation released as we make His Praise Glorious!
Join us for a time of Wonder in His Presence!
There will be two Meetings: 10 am and also at 2 pm.
We will be providing a light lunch between the sessions. Michael will be ministering on The Works of the Holy Spirit from a Hebraic Perspective.
Sometimes as intercessors, we can become weighted down with the immensity of the spiritual warfare that we are in. That was the situation I found myself in this week. On…
And Joshua said to the Israelites, “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, ‘What do these stones mean? You shall let your children know, Israel came over…
Baal site in Israel in danger of collapse Whenever there is an event that takes the world by surprise, we are compelled to pay attention. Last week, the Secretary General…