Tent of David Prophetic Word for 2025, compiled by Dale Rosborough
Each year, the Tent of David comes together corporately to discern the prophetic word for the coming year. This is a summary of many inputs from the Tent body which together releases a tapestry of prophetic words which speak to 2025.
- 2025: It is the best of times, and the worst of times.
Charles Dickens once wrote these words, which speak to 2025. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period.
This speaks of a time when there will be a tremendous war between good and evil. For those trusting in the Lord, we can expect to see out of this conflict a leaping forward into the goodness of God, but not without tension and strife in the heavenly realms. At times it will feel like we are on a rollercoaster, but do not succumb to fear. The Lord of the Angel Armies is clearing your pathway forward.
- 2025 will see the dispensation of the fullness of time coming in, where Chronos and logos meet Kairos.
We are at an inflection point—a moment of dramatic change. Recently, prophet Chuck Pierce described it as a time when we must recognize our moment and align with heaven to see God’s purposes being wrought in the earth.
It will require a disengagement from reliance on human structures and thought patterns. We are embarking on a season of the Kingdom of God manifesting on the earth, an ever- increasing kingdom that has no end!
- 2025 will be a season of Signs and Wonders.
In 2022 a team from the Tent of David were on a prophetic journey in Israel during the time of the Feast of Tabernacles. At the beginning of the journey, we visited the sea caves at Rosh Hanikra, on the Lebanon border. Because of the holidays, there were crowds of people waiting to take the gondola down to the caves, and they were in a celebratory mood. So our group joined in with the festivities and were “adopted” by the Jews to be part of their fun. At one point, we started to shout “Signs, wonders, and miracles!” Over and over until everyone in the crowd joined in with our chant! After we visited the caves, we came out to find a lady dressed as a clown who had heard our decree and as soon as she saw us, she shouted, “Signs, wonders and miracles!” at us! This year the word “wonders” will be heard over and over and this will be a year of Wonders throughout the earth that will be signs. Another person heard “2025 will be a WONDERFUL year”. Another heard “Awe and Wonders”. Another person wore a sweatshirt that said “Miracles will happen”
- Joshua 3:5 says, “And Joshua said to the people, Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do WONDERS among you.
As the Lord prepares to demonstrate wonders in the earth, the importance of preparation and holiness before the Lord, is emphasized for 2025. This year will see a greater measure of the purification of the prophetic and the church as a whole. God is serious about what He is going to do, and is releasing a bride without spot or wrinkle.
- What do wonders imply for this year? And what are wonders? Wonders are different than miracles! Wonders are things that are beyond the power of man to accomplish, often in the natural realm. Only God can do these things. He is about to show great signs in the earth through wonders as the kingdom of God draws near.
- Biblical examples of wonders
Throughout scripture, the most prevalent mention of wonders were the plagues of Egypt.
In order for the powers of Pharoah to be defeated, and for Israel to be set free, God resorted to extraordinary signs that demonstrated the overwhelming power of God over the demonic forces in the land. We can expect in 2025 that God will be increasing the onslaught against the enemy through unmistakable signs that He is in charge in the earth!
We will see the crumbling of Babylonian structures in the earth as well and the loosening of the grip of these structures in the church, the political and in the entertainment fields. An amazing sign that this was about to happen was on New Year’s eve, when lightning strikes were seen hitting the Washington Monument, the Capital Building, the Empire State building in New York City and the One World Trade Center. God was clearly sending a message of wonder that in 2025 He will be shaking the high places and deal with the global structures intent on controlling the world systems. Lightning speaks of the suddenlies of God and thunder the judgments of God. The earth is shaking and causing Baal to spit out what he swallowed! The earth will be shaking in strategic places in the earth as signs of the war against principalities and powers.
Examples of other Biblical Wonders that speak to where we are going this year:
The parting of the Red Sea: We are crossing over into the promises we have been holding onto.
The provision of manna and the multiplication of loaves and fishes: a multiplication of provision! Do not fear no matter how desolate it looks on the landscape of the world. God will provide for those who are His.
Jesus walking on water: One person saw a person standing upright upon a large body of water not standing still, but skimming quickly upon the water . We won’t just walk on water, but be ready for a much higher level of surfing along the water through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The stopping of the sun by Joshua: Expect unmistakable signs in the heavens this year.
The coming of the Holy Spirit: Here comes a fresh wave of glory in 2025 with signs following.
Peter’s escape from prison: God will protect His people through tremendous wonders. This year, God’s people will begin to rise up in great authority to speak to the earth, change the course of weather systems, effect change in the political realm and release the activity of angels in a greater measure!
- What does Israel say? As always, as God’s chosen people, Israel will point to what God is doing in the earth more than any other nation. This past year, we have watched in WONDER as Israel systematically demolished giants who lead demonic structures surrounding them. This will now happen in the nations of the world.
One of the most significant things that happened recently in the war with Hezbollah in Lebanon is the capturing of Mount Hermon. Israel says they are there for the duration of 2025! The significance of this, is that Mount Hermon is the place where the watchers came down in Genesis 6, and through intermarriage with the daughters of men, created the Nephilim giants in the earth. This is the spirit of the New World Order today. We believe that this is a sign pointing to a serious setback for the New World Order. Their plans are being blocked in 2025. Watch as events unfold to demonstrate this.
Mount Hermon is also the place that many believe the transfiguration took place. What does this say? We can expect greater manifestations of Glory in the coming year! We will see heaven touching earth as dark powers are held in check.
- Finally, one of our worship leaders heard these words as she sought God for 2025. “The praises of the Lamb have become the praises of His people”. She was reminded of an experience she had 3 times in her life where she heard an angelic choir singing “Hallelujah” that drew her into heavenly realms. Another woman came with the word “I have called for praise!” We believe the body of Christ will be accompanied by the angelic hosts of heaven to enter into the high praises of God in 2025!
In summary, 2025 will be a year to remember! Great signs and wonders will be demonstrated in the earth and evil structures begin to crumble before an advancing church. At times it will feel very chaotic, but trust God! We have come to an inflexion point, a Kairos moment when God is about to take charge through an advancing, worshipping church! Recognize it and seize it!
Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them saying “To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power forever and ever!” Revelation 5:13