Sometimes as intercessors, we can become weighted down with the immensity of the spiritual warfare that we are in. That was the situation I found myself in this week. On Thursday, I was headed to our regular soaking session where we present ourselves before the Lord, asking nothing, but simply ministering unto Him. The graciousness of the Lord always astounds me, because He never fails to show up when we discipline ourselves to give our time to just be with Him in worship. This particular Thursday, almost as soon as the music began I was taken into a prolonged vision. At first I saw a long beautifully set table, such as the ones you often see in artists’ depiction of the coming marriage supper of the Lamb. There were beautiful place settings on the long table seemingly waiting for the food. What struck me on the table was gorgeous crystal glasses as far as the eye could see and above the table, glittering crystal chandeliers. As I was describing this later, someone looked up the meaning of crystal and it can mean Glory. Then I saw the Lord walking along beside the table inspecting it. It had to be just perfect. I could feel His pleasure that it was ‘Perfect’. As I was viewing this scene, I was wondering what music would be given for such an occasion. Then in my spirit I could hear indescribable angelic voices practicing for the event. I somehow knew that these angels had one assignment given to them and it was for this occasion. I could tell they felt so privileged to be chosen for this event. Once again, they were practicing because it had to be perfect. The scene switched and the Lord had moved to the throne, and I saw the nations of the world parading before him as if rehearsing for this event. One by one they presented themselves in beautiful formation before the throne. A rehearsal. Then I saw the last nation as if a grand finale and it was the nation of Israel bringing up the rear. As they came, I saw someone dancing with abandon leading the Israeli contingent, who were playing instruments and singing. When I looked closer, I realized this person was none other than King David wildly dancing to the worship. Everyone was in awe as they realized they were part of a rehearsal of such magnitude. Everyone knew it had to be perfect. At first I thought I was viewing something akin to the marriage supper of the Lamb, but as I thought about it and the crystal in the beginning of the experience, I felt like it was linked to a soon coming event where the Glory of God would invade our atmosphere in such a way that it would eclipse anything we had ever seen before and it would be perfectly planned by God. The table has been set for an appointed time for a Glory invasion. It will be accompanied by and known for David’s Tabernacle worship and will affect the entire globe! Angels have been assigned to mingle heaven’s worship with the earth. On Friday night at our worship watch, I saw a large hour glass being tipped over and the sand begin to pass through the hour glass. I feel the Lord saying that the appointed time is near. The visitation of His Glory is at hand and it will be just as He planned. Stay tuned for the Tent of David’s Prophetic Word for 2025! |