Once again, on New Years eve, 2023 the Tent of David came together to discern what the Lord was saying for the coming year. We were encouraged as to the number of people who prayed and sought the Lord for His divine direction for 2024. Below is a synopsis of the words that were given and we have attempted to bring them together in themes so that they can form a tapestry of what was shared.
“Behold I have set before you an open door, but there are many adversaries. This scripture was given to the apostle Paul in relation to his ministry in Ephesus. We will begin to see Acts 19 play out in the coming year.” I Corinthians 16:9
1. This is the year of the open door but there is warfare at the threshold. Many have noted that the 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet is Dalet which means door. In 2024 an open door will be present for those to apprehend it, but it is accompanied with a clash of kingdoms. Because of the importance of this door, there will be fierce opposition for those who choose to enter in. As in Acts 19, as the church advanced there, tremendous opposition from the powers of darkness rose up to war with the spreading of the gospel.
2. A major theme for this year is Light. Light versus darkness along with things being brought to light that were hidden in darkness.
This will be a season of Righteous Judgement. There will be “shock and awe” as church leaders and ministries are exposed in 2024. The Lord has given much time to repent, but time is up. (We have already begun to see this unfold). Jesus’ continual word to the disciples was “Do not be deceived”. There will be widespread deception released in this season and it will take great spiritual discernment to understand what is truth and what is false. Just as in the story of the seven sons of Sceva in Ephesus, those who set themselves to deceive will be confronted by the Spirit of the Lord. Psalm 91 assures us that only with our eyes will we behold the reward of the wicked. It will not touch us.
We will see the word “suddenly” appear as things will happen in rapid succession that will shake the earth both in the religious and political spheres. We must lay down our own judgements and allow the Righteous Judge to judge in all spheres of society. What is hidden will be revealed. Much of the turmoil that is in the United States will spill over into Canada. Faith in institutions will continue to decline. Evil, that is darkness, will increase. It is time for the church in this season to rise up in favour and unity.
3. Israel. As light divides itself from darkness, the dividing line between churches and nations who stand with Israel will become much more clear. Many nations, churches and leaders are being weighed in the balance according to how they are standing with Israel. There will be swift judgment against those who walk away from His land and people. Watch for more nations to align for and against Israel in the coming days and the Lord will drop the plumbline and the blessings and curses of the Abrahamic covenant will become stark and obvious.
Jeremiah 16:16
Behold I will send for many fishermen says the Lord, and they will fish them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.
Know that this is a time when the Jewish people will be hunted and they will flock back to the land , the safe haven that God has provided for them. Don’t be distressed when you see this, but stand firm as watchmen on the wall.
Keep your eyes on Turkey and the nations surrounding the outer circle of Israel. They are about to make a move that will cause a chain reaction in many nations to bring an uprising and a flood of fury against the Jews.
4. Harvest. This year, as in Acts 19 we will see the beginning of harvest that so many have been praying and believing for. We will see a move of the Holy Spirit among the unchurched who didn’t even know there was such a thing as the Holy Spirit. New opportunities to witness in the marketplace will emerge in the coming year. As the church in Ephesus was forced to move outside of the synagogue because of religious opposition, expect to see revivals in unexpected places. Some of this will result in major victories over the powers of darkness. Many of this generation that are marked for God’s kingdom will receive empowerment from God as soon as their eyes are open. They will run with this as soon as they are saved and will do great exploits for the kingdom. Someone saw destiny scrolls being pulled off shelves becoming alive and active as the harvest was coming in. In the shaking that is coming this year, God is shaking the Kingdom of darkness and saying, “Let them go!” Families and prodigals are coming in. A word given for this year was MORE. More anointing, more power, more salvations.
In Ephesus, the harvest was accompanied with tremendous signs and wonders. Unusual miracles were commonplace. Press in for this!
I Corinthians 2:9 (PT) Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine-these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.
5. God is about to reset time
On a trip to Israel in 2022 we visited Cana of Galilee and felt led to declare a reset of time, just as Jesus reset time related to His ministry. On that very day, in Canada, the Emergencies Act related to the trucker’s protest was cancelled. Because of this, we felt what we did there was related to the restoration of things lost during Covid. Many people lost finances, relationships, health and even time during that season. We will see many of these things reversed this year, when things will be restored and even government structures toppling.
6. A Season to Learn absolute obedience
In this accelerating season, we must know the Holy Spirit’s direction and follow it to the letter. Many people’s lives and salvation will depend on us following the specific direction of the Lord. As we ascend into the presence of God, revelation and instructions will be given to those who purposefully set themselves aside to learn the ways of heaven. It is time to ascend. The Issachar anointing will guide and take pre-eminence in 2024. The tribe of Issachar understood the times and knew what to do. Seek divine strategy in this season of turmoil and obey.
7. Baby boomers get ready
The baby boomers are about to be set on fire again. Their experience, their money and their tenacity will cause them to put everything else aside and do what God calls them to do in this hour. This is for anyone who is willing. For many years they have been trained up in past moves of my spirit and equipping them to recognize when God is moving. God will place on them mantles of discernment, deliverance and equipping to do the work of the ministry wherever I will send them. Some will be tasked to pray, while others will be called to go and disciple nations.
In summary, this will be a year of great clashes and upheavals, where God’s gavel will resound in the earth. Yet in the midst of this we can expect to see the presence of God to intensify on His people as they walk forward in step with His word to see Him releasing divine justice in the nations. He has set before us an open door. Let the warring church advance!