The Journey
First Stop: the Galilee

Excerpt from Dale’s book Breaking the Sound Barrier available to purchase in our shop:

When we received a word from God to go to Israel and raise up a Tent of David worship and prayer house in the Galilee at the Feast of Tabernacles in 2013, to tell you the truth, it was the furthest thing from our minds. We had been faithfully praying for Israel, taking prayer journeys there, and giving into the Land from the time we opened the Tent of David in Canada. Then suddenly, there was this word.

We made a trip to Israel to spy out the Land and to determine if God had a place for us there. The miracle of it all was that the day after we received the prophetic word, we were taking some ministry friends to the National House of Prayer in Ottawa, and outside on the steps we met a messianic leader from Israel that we knew! Dan asked him if he knew of any place that we could rent in the Galilee region and he replied, “I know just the place!” So, we went.

The house we found was situated on a high hill overlooking the Sea of Galilee, a stunning location, and it was owned by messianic believers who had prayed for 8 years for believers to come to rent the house. It needed work, but somehow, we knew in our hearts that this was the place. After 5 weeks of preparation, a team from the Tent of David arrived to dedicate the house to the purposes of God in the Land of Israel. When we held the dedication, the house was filled with worshippers from the village and surrounding areas, including our new landlords. An Israeli team began with anointed worship, followed by the Tent team. As the Tent began to worship, slowly the Israeli team joined them, and heaven came down! One leader said that he heard the Land crying out for redemption as the beautiful sound came forth from the musicians and singers.

This began our journey in the land of Israel and what a journey it was! For four years we lived and worked in that house on the Galilee, holding worship watches in the community and hosting people from all over the world to stay at our B&B. We were privileged to have volunteer managers from many places in Canada to host and care for the house and to bless the people in the Land.

It was here that God led us to begin unique prophetic themed prayer journeys throughout the north of Israel based on stories in Scripture. We invited Randy Demain from Texas to travel with us on a Supernatural Journey which visited sites where miracles occurred in Israel.

After this, we hosted journeys featuring Elisha’s School of the Prophets and the story of the prophet Deborah. Our guest to lead these journeys was Apostle/Prophet Rosetta Florence from Alberta. Every journey was full of surprises as God showed up supernaturally all along the way.

Next Stop: Nahariya:

During this time, we felt the Lord nudge us that it was time to move from the Galilee and go north to a city very near the Lebanese border on the Mediterranean Sea called Nahariya which means “River of God”.

We continued our journeys there with less of an emphasis on being a B&B. Rosetta led us in a Bridal Company tour with a study on the Song of Songs. An incredible way to introduce our new home.

This was followed by an “Ancient Gates” tour and finally a journey of the life of Solomon. Every time we embarked on these trips, we found that on completion, many of the prophetic voices in the world were echoing what we had experienced.

It was during our last Solomon journey that we began to feel something shift for us in Israel and that it was time for this season to close before we could embark on what God had for us right now. So, after 5 years in Nahariya, we began the task of dismantling our beautiful apartment that had allowed us to gain so many Israeli friends and to go where we had not gone before. God miraculously provided a believer to take over the apartment and we were able to easily sell/give away what we had accumulated during our nine years in the Land.


We believe this is not the end of our times in Israel, but that we have entered a new phase. Our travels have taken us into every nook and cranny in the north of Israel and we have a fresh understanding of the Word of God in the places He has sent us. Our friendships there are enduring and we wait to see what God has in store for us there. Israel is in a season of war and the place where we lived is under constant threat of bombs from Lebanon. One thing we do know. The God Who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps and Israel is forever!