Dan and Dale Rosborough have been prayer leaders for years in Canada’s capital of Ottawa. In 2006 they established the Tent of David House of Worship in Rockland, Ontario, together with co-leaders, Geoff and Karen Middleton and a small number of sold out, passionate worshippers. Geoff and Karen have now relocated to Calgary Alberta but their help in the establishment of the Tent is not forgotten.

Then in 2014 a second Tent of David was established overlooking the Sea of Galilee in Israel.


For the story of our journey, you may visit our Stories page

In that day will I raise up the Tent of David which is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof, and I will raise up his ruins and I will build it as in days of old. Amos 9:11

In Acts 15 James quoted this scripture again related to the Gentiles and one new man that was being created.

Using these verses and David’s Tent as our guideposts, the Tent of David operates under these guideposts:

  • We are primarily a worship house releasing prophetic declarations over Israel, our nation and the nations of the world as the Spirit leads
  • Since we are located at the eastern gate of the nation’s capital, Ottawa, our mandate is to welcome the King of Glory into our nation.
  • As with the early church, we exist to encourage each member of the body to develop their giftings in a safe family environment
  • We honor Israel and the Biblical feasts and focus our celebration times around these
  • The Tent of David tithes its income to go toward causes in Israel firmly believing that they who bless Israel will be blessed
  • We believe in the truth of the inerrant Word of God
  • We believe that salvation comes through Jesus Christ and Him only
  • We believe in living holy lives separate from the world
  • We believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today and for every believer
  • We believe in the soon return of Jesus Christ and the importance of making ourselves ready for this